Outlook Towards 2021
As unprecedented events took place during 2020, mainly driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy has been widely affected, building a strategic plan for organizations is more relevant than ever to overcome the uncertainty of 2021.
As agencies have reviewed Mexico’s position and the consequences of COVID-19, a positive and stable outcome can be expected. Nevertheless, an economical and labor recovery may be until the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024. With a recovery dependency of economic rescue programs, industry resilience and velocity in which the vaccine is applied, the proximity of Mexico’s state elections will be relevant for the future.
For organizations, flexibility and resilience will be key for overcoming 2021 uncertainties. This could be done by the implementation of agile methodologies in the organization and diminishing resistance to change. Evaluating strategical initiatives through traditional valuation models will provide a clear view of priorities to organizations post COVID-19.
(PDF Article Only Available in Spanish)